[Tip of the Week] Love You So Much

Missioning income doesn’t just come from the ISK rewards you get from the agents. The corporation you run missions for will steadily pay you with Loyalty Points. Through the in-game Wallet -> Loyalty Points, you can click the corp you run for and find out where their nearest Loyalty Store is. You can then check https://www.fuzzwork.co.uk/lpstore/ to see which items would be best to sell on the market or directly to other players. Watch out for daily volumes – you might not want to buy 100 of an item that only sells 2 per day!

Want to know more about Loyalty Points? The UniWiki provides!

EVE University Professor Releases Tutorial Videos

ALDRAT, Metropolis – EVE Online can be highly intimidating for new pilots. Mastering even the basics to survive in New Eden is a daunting challenge. To make this easier for capsuleers, Seamus Donohue and EVE University have released a series of tutorial videos which guide new pilots through character creation through the introductory career mission tracks.

This 46-part series, encompassing over seven hours of content, can be found at http://tinyurl.com/SurviveEVE, or by searching for “How to Survive EVE Online” on YouTube. Each video runs from 6 to 14 minutes in length.

“I like explaining things,” said Seamus Donohue, “so when I saw ‘How to Survive Minecraft’ by ‘paulsoaresjr’ on YouTube, I decided it would be a good idea to create a similar series for EVE Online. In my case, I had watched the entire Minecraft series before actually buying Minecraft.” Continue reading