14th Anniversary & CEO Statement


For the anniversary of EVE University our CEO, Laura Karpinski, issued the following statement:

EVE University is now 14 years old. The game has changed a huge amount in that time, and many people have come and gone. But EVE University is still around and still providing a valuable service to the EVE Online community. I am beyond proud of our members who put in so much of their time to make a success of this corporation and educate other players about the game. I look forward to many more years.”

Today not only marks the day of the 14th anniversary of EVE University, but also Laura’s first anniversary as CEO. We are grateful for the enormous amount of time, effort and love she, and the rest of our staff, puts into EVE University every day and we would like to thank everyone that put together such a great anniversary event!

Faces of EVE University: Turlough Dominian

The Faces of EVE University are colorful and intriguing. With this interview series we want to bring to light some of the personalities that make up the staff of our alma mater, who tirelessly work to the advancement of learning.

To kick off our series, we want to start with a member of staff who is instrumental in the planning of the upcoming 14th anniversary of EVE University: Turlough Dominian, our events manager. As one of the most approachable people in EVE University, he was a crucial contact for the Street Team, our PR special interest group, right from the start and always had great advice. We continue to work closely together and we are all honored with the time and effort he devotes to the Uni.

Hideo Date: Thank you very much for taking the time.

Turlough Dominian: No problem at all, please be gentle!

Hideo:  For those who do not know you, could you briefly tell us who you are and what you do in EVE University?

Turlough: Well EVE wise I am Turlough Dominian, also known as Turtle. The things I enjoy mainly are blowing people up and watching people blow up. Not a big fan of mining yucky rocks. I have been playing on and off since 2011, always in EVE University as the player-owned organisation I live with, as they are awesome for helping new players, and I enjoy the content and community. As for what I do? I am the events manager, previously the assistant manager. I basically help organise people to run their events, if they need help, and encourage others to do the same thing.  We have our own department with a number of really good staff who make unique events, there is a lot more to it than that but the main thing is helping to get more events out there for content and learning.

Hideo:  With the 14th anniversary of EVE University coming up, I think it is a good time to reminisce. Looking back at your own time in EVE University, do you have some highpoints and special memories you remember fondly?

Turlough: There is a huge list. For sure a high point probably being one of the Red vs Blue wars where I got to murderise a lot of them. But don’t get me wrong – I died a good bit, and it was a good consensual war that was 3 or 4 years ago. As for special memories, a good few as well, but the first main one is  Korr’Tanas: that dude was my first FC and lead us many many times to our death.That was a really good experience. He also loved doing weird things like conga lines and shooting fireworks. Perhaps he is my inspiration.

Hideo: We realize that our staff dedicate a lot of man hours on a volunteer basis and that its always a labor of love. What is it about Eve University that always makes the work worthwhile?

Turlough: I suppose like a lot of EVE Online topics, it depends. For myself, I still recall being a helpless noob. Like, man, I did every mistake you could think of, so so many mistakes, and like many others I try to help other people avoid as many of my mistakes as possible. Another thing for me would be that EVE is like a hobby at this stage. It gives me something to do and relax in my down time, I do like chatting a lot, it is definitely not the pay that’s for sure – 0.0000 ISK! – but still worth while!

Hideo: So could you say the people of EVE University make it worthwhile for you?

Turlough: In a sense yes, they give me something to do and I enjoy helping people, a beacon of light in the darkness of space!

Hideo: Ok, now looking towards the upcoming event: You got the most trusted person in all of EVE to show up on our 14th anniversary, could you enlighten us how you got in contact with Chribba and persuaded him to grace us with his presence?

Turlough: Short story, really: I got in contact with one of my long-term friends and previous EVE University member Danielle en Divalone. She happens to be the CEO of  Licence To Kill now. She is good fun and mad as a march hare! So for a few weeks we shared mails back and forth while she got in touch with Chribba for me; she knows a lot of cool people. Then myself and Chribba got talking. No persuading was needed – he was up for it right from the start. Again another EVE Online player who loves to chat and help others.

Hideo: Wonderful to hear that this great icon is so approachable! Do you have anything else you would like to tell us about the upcoming anniversary?

Turlough: Lots of fireworks! Pretty sure I am taking some people into lowsec, those poor poor souls. We are all going to die in a great ball of fire. It is a weekday this year so that is bad timing for many people big sorry to those who got to work that day.

Hideo: Alright, thank you very much for your time! I am looking forward to see the events unfold. Thank you for all the heart and soul you put into the events department!

Turlough: No problem at all. My next event will be “Awox the Hideo Date.” Have a nice day, buddy.

Celebrate the 14th anniversary of EVE University with us!

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“I founded EVE University to create a place where new players could get together and be appreciated for who they were. Classes and doing things together were important but nothing was, and is, more important than the positive attitude towards new players.”
I personally think that this quote from none other than Morning Maniac, the founder of EVE University, encapsulates our mindset to this day. We are the oldest organisation in EVE Online that is entirely focused on teaching and learning and are continuing to successfully induct players into the awesome Universe of New Eden. Many things have changed over the years, but this mindset as well as our complete neutrality have remained the cornerstone of our organisation. We are now nearing the midterm of our second decade in bringing the best learning experience to EVE players in all walks of life. Of course, that calls for a little celebration!

With March here, our 14th anniversary is coming up and, our very own Events Department has planned something fun for March 15: we are going to do a fireworks conga line! Our fleet will fly by our campuses, starting in Amygnon and moving from there through to Uphallant. If you let us live that long we might even go through Nullsec unto PC9. We hope to see other people join in the fun as well and bring their own fireworks, preferably the non-lethal type of course, but we fully expect to all die either way.

Our tireless manager of events, Turlough Dominian, lover of turtles, has also been hard at work to get in contact with the most trusted person in EVE: Chribba. And as the awesome man that Chribba is, he has kindly accepted to be available for our anniversary. We will be visiting his famous Veldnaught and give it lots of hugs! But he will be more than just a target dummy. We will all be able to sit around the fire on our public mumble and talk to him directly. A special shoutout goes to Danielle en Divalone who helped to establish the contact to Chribba!

There will be more events and fleets coming up, so stay tuned on our Facebook page and keep an eye on our Twitter!

Please join EVE University in celebrating its 14th anniversary on March 15 (don’t mix those numbers up!). We would be glad to have you all there! This is a perfect opportunity for everybody to clean out there hangars of all those pesky fireworks!


C.O.R.E. Class Public Announcement

With the advent of Ascension and influx of alpha players, there is more demand than ever to provide entry-level courses aimed at teaching players how to participate in EVE’s various activities. As part of this demand, we have focused our attention to teaching classes from a select list that will provide EVE community members with a basis of information designed to orient them to the EVE universe. EVE University’s Teaching Department spent several months compiling and revising this roster of classes, and is very proud to announce its initial completion:

C.O.R.E. Classes


The intended audience of these classes are those who are brand new to EVE — those may not understand some of the commonly accepted terminology of EVE — and are designed to take place over 30 – 45 minutes. A brand new player will walk away from the class with a clear understanding of the scope that the subject entails, how to begin practicing some of the more basic activities, and have a better grasp of common terminology associated with that topic. Additionally, a wiki page about C.O.R.E. Classes has been created which explains how to attend these classes. You can also check the EVE University Calendar for classes tagged as [CORE] classes to identify which classes you’d like to attend.

Over time, additional classes will be added to this curriculum. Currently, the list* of C.O.R.E. Classes consists of:

As always, all classes can be found on the EVE University calendar and our forums. If you wish to receive class overviews, which include C.O.R.E. Classes, straight to your EVE inbox, you can subscribe to the Classes.E-UNI mailing list using the “Add Mailing List” button in the bottom left corner of the EVE Mail window. If you wish to contribute to EVE University by hosting C.O.R.E. Classes, please see Joining the Faculty.

*These slides serve as a visual reference; additional information is provided verbally during class.

Happy Birthday EVE University – to the future

Posted by Laura Karpinski on 15 March 2017

Thirteen years ago today EVE University was established by Morning Maniac. Since then there have been many changes, but our overall aim has remained the same: To be a neutral, non-profit institution that specialises in teaching players about EVE Online.

EVE University has previously had three CEOs: Morning Maniac, Kelduum Revaan and Azmodeus Valar. Each has brought their own individual style to leadership and has helped guide EVE University to where it is today. I am honoured and humbled to be the next person to take up this position.

Over the past four years as CEO Azmo has demonstrated huge dedication to EVE University. He has been a source of wisdom and excellent judgement, and EVE University has grown immeasurably under his guidance. Above all he has shown himself to be a thoroughly decent person, and I could not be more thankful to have had the opportunity to work with him as Director of Operations for the past ten months.

Azmo has been a Director for nine years, and though he is stepping down as CEO he has kindly agreed to remain part of the Directorship. Many years ago EVE University used to have a Director of Finance, a role that Azmo held for a long time. I am glad to announce we will be resurrecting this position and Azmo will be the new Director of Finance.

Over the past few months in particular (with the introduction of alpha clones) EVE University has seen a substantial increase in new players trying the game for the first time, as well as players who are coming back to the game after a long break. It is a privilege to be able to educate so many players about the massive sandbox that is EVE Online. The future will inevitably see changes to EVE University, but it is important that we don’t lose sight of this, our main purpose.

My aim as the new CEO will be to build on the strong foundations established by those before me and to help EVE University continue to grow. I appreciate that there are areas we need to improve, and I remain open to feedback and suggestions. EVE University is a community I love being a part of, and I am committed to ensuring others experience the same opportunities.

Change is the only constant

Posted by Azmodeus Valar on 13 March 2017

With each ending comes a new beginning.

I have had the honor and privilege of being the CEO of Eve University for 4 years, Director of Operations for 6 months before that, and a Director since 2008. During that time, I’ve seen numerous changes within the University, and it is time for me to make one more.

Effective March 15th, I will be stepping down as CEO. The choice of successor is the most important choice any leader can make, and I make this one without the least hesitation. Laura Karpinski, our current Director of Operations, will be taking her logical place as CEO of Eve University. Laura has been an invaluable asset to the University and myself, stepping in last summer when real life interfered with my ability to be involved to the same degree that I had been previously.

She has been a personnel officer, personnel manager, Director of Human Relations, Director of Operations, and a genuinely decent and caring person during her time in EVE University and I have no doubt she will continue her tradition of excellence as CEO.

As for myself, I will still be around and participating to assist Laura in any capacity she needs. EVE University has been my home for almost a decade, and I cannot see myself leaving anytime soon, just finding a new manner in which to assist and balance game and life.

During the time I have had the honor to be CEO of EVE University, I hope that I have been a positive force. I’ve changed aspects of the University, but also made my share of mistakes. All I can say is that I hope that my time will be remembered fondly, and step down with the comforting knowledge that Laura will greatly surpass any humble achievements I had.

So many of you have helped me over the years that I cannot begin to thank all of you by name. Just know that you have been there when I needed help, offered levity when I was too serious, and been trusted friends and compatriots. Thank you to everyone I have had the pleasure of interacting with over my time as CEO.

Fly dangerous.

Azmodeus Valar
Soon to be ex-CEO of EVE University

Security Status rule change

EVE University’s mission is to teach players how to play EVE Online. In order to accomplish this mission, we must constantly evolve and change as EVE itself changes.

For many years we have required that pilots try to maintain their security status above -2, with a hard limit of -5, to ensure that all pilots could participate in high sec operations and activities. That is going to change.

Effective immediately, we are implementing a three month test with relaxed rules on security status:

-3.99 or higher: Players may join EVE University, receive titles and join campuses
-4.0 to -4.99: Players may not join EVE University, and members may not receive any new titles.
-5.0 to -10.0: Members risk being removed from EVE University.

Any member who becomes a finalist in an official PVP tournament hosted by CCP is exempt from these requirements.

Members should be aware that regardless of EVE University’s rules there are in-game consequences to having security status below -2, in that they will start to be hunted by faction police in certain high sec systems. This may affect their game play and the type of fleets they can join.

With this new freedom comes new responsibility. We are one corp, united. In instances where we must rally for high security operations, it is the responsibility of all pilots to reach -2 for safe high sec operations. While these operations are uncommon, pilots should be aware the possibility exists that they will have to buy tags for major military action.

At the end of the three month trial we will review to see how successful it has been and will consider whether to keep the policy or change it back to how it was. Please don’t go crazy with this, remember all the other EVE University rules still stand, including our rules of engagement and showing respect for other players.

Forum post: http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?f=31&p=848522